I’m becoming increasingly convinced that one element of post-modern worship music is lyrics filled with disjointed images. The lines themselves may refer to Scripture or an image from Scripture, or an application of a biblical concept, but the combination of the lines only serve to deliver a hodge-podge of diverse images that have nothing to do with one another, seem to be chosen for their rhyming potential, and do not work as a systematic line of reasoning or discourse which grants any sort of understanding.
The images of Scripture form a rich tapestry of recognizable and consistent ideas that promote an intellectual and emotional understanding. There is inherent unity, repetition, expansion, and irony that is possible because of the context and connection of these references.
This is rarely true in lyrics that seem to rely upon a “cool” concept or “safe” religious words. If stuck for a two-syllable word, “holy” generally works well. Sometimes “holy, holy” is effective. Forget about the biblical, Trinitarian repetition of holy—especially if you’re only lacking four syllables. Of course, “hallelujah” works for four syllables as well.
The dripping emotionalism of God being “the air we breath,” of Jesus thinking of me “above all” others while on the cross (not you, but me—Jesus loves me best), of the “passion in the art,” the resolve that we make to live in the light of the reformation truth of Soli Deo Gloria (which contradicts the Reformation teaching), the subjective assessment of God being altogether lovely, worthy, and wonderful to me because of my personal experience with Him, and songs that talk about the fact that we’re just about ready to sing about the fact that we are planning on joining in worship after we sing about what God is going to do when we do finally get around to worshipping.
The other thing I can’t understand is why it takes three of four people to write a song with four lines of repeated lyrics and two lines of music.
It bears repeating that even though lyrics may be biblically true, they may not be presented in a manner that is good or beautiful. In fact, the very way in which they are presented may undermine the actual content. For example, we should ascribe glory to the Lord, but by the time we’ve repeated the word “glory” 25 times, have we really understood the concept of ascribing glory? Has there been a deepening of our understanding? A growing in knowledge or wisdom?
There is a burden of discourse, biblical connectivity, historical continuity, and intellectual as well as emotional instruction that should be inherent in the songs we sing. Artsy images may catch our imagination, but having been caught, where do they ultimately lead.
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Thank heavens.
Someone else squirms when singing that inane song about Jesus thinking about me on the cross. Chapter and verse, please?
The pivot point of all eternity, the most fundamental display of the passion of Christ, the outrageous act that forced all creation into silence, is all about the triune God and his magnificent glory, wisdom, holiness...and we silly hobbits want to make it all about us.
Then, we are asked to repeat one word over and over and over and over, and look worshipful while we do it. I've often speculated that the rapturous look on most people's faces after five minutes of glory, glory, glory is as a result of contemplating the Shoney's buffet that lie twenty minutes in his/her future.
Then, we are sold the bill of goods that these repetitive pieces of "scripture" music are superior to the poets of the Church. Funny how we complain about the dumbing down of education in this country, but not the dumbing down of worship.
Nah, we think that's cool.
I posted a similar comment to this one when introducing your blog on my blog (since I enjoy reading your thoughts on worship) and a woman rebuked me on the grounds that, in essence, this way of thinking about worship music leads to division in the church, prevents the person who holds these opinions from worshipping unless everything is completely up to his or her subjective standard of what is good enough for God, and is based on the kind of knowledge that puffs up instead of the love that edifies.
What would you reply to that? I wasn't sure, because I know it can lead to what she fears, especially when our opinions are elevated to the level of the word of God or when we thrust out our thoughts without any concern for other people, but I still agreed with what you said about worship music.
Altered state of consiousness anyone?
How about Bible illiteracy?
And oh yeah (repeat 15 times) there's that old time subjectivity...
Repetition of a 2 to 3 line chorus (not a few times but many many times) has been proven to be able to cause an altered state of consciousness. This does happen in certain circles and does make way for the frenzy (contrary to worship that is based in the beauty of holiness) that some times follows. Now Michael's points as to our need to "remember" are quite valid, well taken, yet of a different nature (I think) compared to what we are discussing concerning the repetition factor in singing choruses.
I don't believe for a minute that there is only one genre of music that glorifies God. I have never read anything about it, but I would bet that there were plenty of hymns written that did not make the hymnals of old (or new for that matter).
It is very easy to become one dimensional in our thinking regarding worship - divine worship. Music usually takes top priority, and for some, the only priority when it comes to defining worship, and scripturally this just isn't sound. Thanksgiving, prayer, the reading of the scriptures, confessing our sins, affirming the creeds, the Lord's supper, sacrifice/laying down one's own desires (and more) have always been integral parts (not wholes) of worship.
We could go on and on but to the point, I basically agree with what Michael has said. A final note - if you are singing a chorus or a hymn or any "spiritual" song, and it resounds with an "all about me" theme of some kind, you might want to move on to the next one...
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