Thursday, November 12, 2009

100 Spiritually Significant Films

While one could argue about some of the particulars, this list of Spiritually Significant Films offers a guide for viewing and discussing a wide array of movies.


Unknown said...

ah, and where might this list be????

Gregory Wilbur said...

Click on the word "list" an it should link you to the films.

Unknown said...

Thanks, but perhaps it would be better to use the common blue color to indicate a link. Old people like me sometimes have difficulty seeing as it is. :)

Linda said...

Oh, now wouldn't it be fun to work one's way through that list!! Maybe we should resubscribe to Netflix.

Gabriela said...

The link didn't work when I clicked it, but I searched around and found it anyway:
Thanks for sharing this!
Gabriela {A Gileskirk Alumni :}