Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Quote about Freedeom and the Arts

Jeremy Begbie in Resounding Truth: Christian Wisdom in the World of Music

"For the Christian, to be free is not fundamentally to enjoy some supposedly blank space before us, or to increase options, but to be at peace with God and one another and thus at home in a God-given world."


Linda said...

What a resounding description of Christian freedom - not only in the arts, but in every area of life.

D Patrick Cassidy said...

We had a brilliant time with Begbie here in Austin. With him coming to teach now at Duke - rather than being so far away at Cambridge - we should consider how we might (perhaps together?) arrange a conference with him on beauty, music, liturgy, etc.


Gregory Wilbur said...


I continue to be impressed with Begbie's writings and lectures. A conference with him could be most fun. Let's talk!


D Patrick Cassidy said...


d cassidy at redeemerpres dot org

Yes indeed!

Best to George.