Monday, April 28, 2008

Vision Questions for Parish Church Architecture

As we think Biblically about architecture and Church construction, here are some salient points to consider:
We’re building a Parish Church not Cathedral.
A building needs to be modest and within financial means—especially for the sake of conserving resources for Church Planting.
We must think multi-generationally and lay plans and foundations now for future additions and buildings.
Beauty, Goodness, and Truth are all essential considerations.

How should the physical facility encourage and support our vision and philosophy as a Church?
As you consider a Biblical worldview application of architecture, what is your overall desire or vision when you think of the new facility?
How should our priorities as a Church family and individual families be reflected in the design and process of building?
What are some specifics that you think should to be taken into consideration?
What are some things typically done in church architecture and building programs that you hope we do not do?


Linda said...

Greg, these are great questions to keep in mind and will be printed out where we can see them and remember them. Thanks for helping my Blue Sky to connect to the good earth.

Unknown said...

I also appreciate these questions. One of my biggest desires is a welcoming environment for children. This doesn't necessarily mean a gym:)

Unknown said...

Greg, interesting that your comments come the same week that Gene Veith also blogs on church architecture this week. Good stuff.